You must blog everything - all ideas, inspirations. You must never stop
(until Jan) researching opening sequences for your particular genre and
uploading them. Your blog is the remaining 40 marks so absolutely crucial. Very
importantly you must set up a whatsapp or facebook group so that you're
constantly in communication which each other and know where everyone is and what
they're responsible for. Also, from now on every member of the group must have a
target/task/objective that they are completing for the opening. So if the film
pitch is still not up to scratch, who's doing which part of it.
We've given you a lot of advice on what to avoid. Keeping it simple is most
everyone's hardest challenge, pace and enigma crucial. Beautiful shots that
establish character, genre and setting. In those shots extremely well thought
out mise en scene. It all has to be really well planned and a group effort.
Also, keep in mind that there will be bits that don't work and may need to be
re-shot. Have a plan B schedule.
When we've greenlit your ideas and you're good to go Mr Amato and I can start
sending you links to anything which may be useful. This
got 52 This
got 56
So film pitch, titles tasks, planning ideas, inspirations, shooting
schedules, risk assessments, moodboards, props and costumes list, music
research, storyboarding this week and next (list in LAP chart)
Filming and Editing - following two weeks - you must find time you can all
work together. Alongside this will be your film posters and how you will market
the film etc